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Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center - Brett Sullivan, DMD, MD
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Dentures to Implant Bridge
Clackamas, OR

Woman smiling with perfect teeth at Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center in Clackamas, OR 97015-7787We know that dentures are an amazing fit for a lot of our patients, but they aren’t great for everyone. A lot of our patients really love dentures, but we also have some patients who may have trouble adapting to dentures. We have found that dentures, while they give many patients the right to eat all of the foods they love, may not be the right fit for all of our patients. Some people do not respond well to dentures and find them to be uncomfortable. If you are one of those patients who want to find a solution to missing teeth, but who don’t want dentures,
Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center can help. We can show you how to make a transition from your dentures to an implant bridge.

The Difference Between Dentures and Implants

Implants and dentures are both considered replacements for teeth. They are artificial or prosthetic pieces of restorative dentistry. Dentures have been around for centuries, and people have used dentures as a way to replace their missing teeth. Sometimes, we use dentures for patients who have lost all of their teeth due to trauma because of an accident or an injury. We also use dentures for people who have lost their teeth due to tooth decay or gum disease. We can make dentures look very lifelike by using plastic, acrylic, and porcelain. We make dentures to fit each individual patient, and for many patients, dentures work. However, some people have problems with dentures.

Instead of sitting on top of your gums the way that dentures do, implants are screwed into your gums and anchor to your jawbone. They mimic real teeth and tooth roots. Implants are a permanent part of your jaw, while dentures can be removed.

The Problem With Dentures

Dentures are great for many of our patients, but they aren’t for everyone. Some patients just can’t seem to get the right fit for their dentures. They may have dentures that rub across their gums, causing painful places or sores on the gums. This friction often happens because the dentures aren’t holding securely in place. Over time, these sores can become infected, which can cause a lot of problems in your mouth. Loose-fitting dentures can make our patients feel really insecure, especially when they are in public. Our patients may not want to go out because they are self-conscious. We have patients who don’t want to get dentures because it makes them feel old. We do have a solution, however, an implant bridge.

Am I a Good Candidate?

If you are suffering from tooth loss, you might want to consider if implants are a good choice. Many of our patients love the ease of implants, because they care for them the same way that they have cared for their teeth. Some patients love the convenience of implants, and they love the way they look. Implants are better than dentures for your jaw over time as well. Because implants are anchored into your jaw, your jaw acts as if you still have your natural teeth. That allows your jaw to remain strong and healthy.

Are you thinking about moving from dentures to an implant bridge? Give Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center a call at (503) 652-8080.

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(503) 652-8080


Mon - Thu: 8:00am–4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am–2:00pm
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Dentures vs Implants - Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center
Dental implants and dentures are both considered replacements for teeth. Call us at Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center and learn about your options now!
Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center - Brett Sullivan, DMD, MD, 11211 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas, OR 97015 • (503) 652-8080 • • 2/7/2025 • Related Terms: dental implants Clackamas OR •